Naming Ceremony of Wofoo Joseph Lee Lecture Theatre at CUHK
5 DEC 2022
The Chinese University of Hong Kong hosted the naming ceremony of the Wofoo Joseph Lee Lecture Theatre (LT8) on 5th December, 2022. The Ceremony was officiated by Dr Joseph Lee, the Chairman of the Wofoo Charity Foundation, Prof. Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, Prof. Anthony Chan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Mr. Ho Kai-ming, J.P, the Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare of HKSAR. The Naming Ceremony was also graced with the presence of family members and friends of Dr and Mrs Joseph Lee.
In appreciation of the staunch support of Wofoo Charity Foundation, in particular towards the development of CUHK and the research projects undertaken by the Nethersole Nursing School, the University named the Lecture Theatre 8 of the Yasumoto International Academic Park as “Wofoo Joseph Lee Lecture Theatre”.
In his speech, Prof. Rocky Tuan expressed his sincere gratitude to Dr. and Mrs. Lee for their support towards the University. “We are gratified to have Dr. Lee’s kind donation towards the University and benefit the people in need in our society. We look forward to a continuous partnership with Dr. Lee and Wofoo Charity Foundation in future.” said Prof. Rocky Tuan.
Dr. Lee is a philanthropist and a successful business leader. He is currently the Chairman of Wofoo Plastics and Chemicals Group and Wofoo Foundation, as well as the President of Wofoo Social Enterprises. He strives to address the needs of the community and cultivate social harmony (人和家富 民和國富) as a social entrepreneur.
The Wofoo Joseph Lee Lecture Theatre is located on the second floor of the Yasumoto International Academic Park, one of our largest teaching facilities on campus. The Lecture Theatre 8 is equipped with comprehensive audio-visual facilities and Wi-Fi network connectivity for teaching and learning.