Officiating guests perform the launch ceremony of the Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin R&D Centre for Chinese Medicine: (from left) Prof. Shaw Pang Chui, Mrs. Li Yip Yio Chin, Dr. Li Dak Sum, The Honourable C Y Leung, Dr. Vincent Cheng, The Honourable Eddie Ng, and Prof. Joseph Sung. Prev Next
Dr. Li Dak Sum Donates HK$100 million to CUHK in Support of the Research and Development of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong
Officiating guests perform the launch ceremony of the Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin R&D Centre for Chinese Medicine: (from left) Prof. Shaw Pang Chui, Mrs. Li Yip Yio Chin, Dr. Li Dak Sum, The Honourable C Y Leung, Dr. Vincent Cheng, The Honourable Eddie Ng, and Prof. Joseph Sung.